A Guide to Meeting the July 1, 2024 Deadline

By Andrea Stagg, Bill Boerner, and Joseph Storch, Grand River Solutions

January 2024

In Brief: Every ten years, public and private higher education institutions in New York State that are chartered by the Regents or created by an act of the Legislature and maintain a campus in the Empire State must submit to the State Education Department (SED) a full certification, including all relevant policies, under New York State Education Law Articles 129-A and 129-B. Having been through the process a few times and recognizing the compliance challenges full certification has presented for institutions in the past, the team at Grand River Solutions has created this memo summarizing the obligations, collected resources that can aid in compliance, and prepared a chart of the obligations under each law section by section, with practice pointers where relevant. We hope institutions can use this guidance for compliance; we are distributing it now to give you ample time to meet the July 1, 2024 deadline.

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